Eighth Sunday in Trinity
Welcome to our service today, this Eighth Sunday in Trinity. Today we celebrate in church, but if you are not able to attend, here is the service, with a written sermon from Rev. Robert Frede and intercessions.
Almighty Lord and everlasting God, we beseech you to direct, sanctify and govern both our hearts and bodies in the ways of your laws and the works of your commandments; that through your most mighty protection, both here and ever, we may be preserved in body and soul; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
The Readings
Old Testament Lesson: Isaiah 55: 1-5
New Testament Lesson: Romans 9: 1-5
The Gospel Reading: Matthew 14: 13-21
Sermon: This account of the feeding of the multitude occurs in all four Gospels, each with its own emphasis. In today’s Gospel it helps us to understand the impact of this event by contrasting it with what has just occurred. Matthew precedes this account with the sordid story of the beheading of John the Baptist at the conclusion of a birthday party for Herod Antipas. There was plenty to eat and drink at that event, and there was an erotic dancer who pleased Herod so much that he stupidly promised to do whatever she asked. She got what she asked for, John the Baptist’s head on a platter. The contrast between this horrid event and Jesus’ meal on the meadow is stunning.
Jesus has left for Galilee partly to ensure his safety for the moment. It was not a safe time to be in the city with prophets being beheaded. When it’s your own cousin, you know you could be next! So Jesus and his disciples go back home to Galilee, where it is relatively safe, and where he can grieve over John’s death.
And here another feeding event takes place, only with different dynamics. Unlike Herod’s little bash, at this one there is healing instead of debauchery. People’s souls are fed by Jesus’ words, and no one has to fear that the party may result in their being murdered. Another contrast is that, while Herod’s party probably included abundant food and drink, this event does not focus on tables laden with food. It’s not even a good church potluck, though some have claimed the point of the story is that everyone held back until they saw the disciples sharing what little they had. At that point everybody pitched in their meagre rations, and there was enough for all.
Well, that may be true, but it is not the point of the Gospel!
What this passage is about is, again, the irony that out of scarcity can come the abundance of God’s grace. This is a compelling message for people who have little and struggle with not enough in our world of over abundant living. Jesus has compassion on the people because of their scarce resources. Instead of letting scarcity determine the mission he simply says to the disciples, “You give them something to eat.”
Churches often get caught in this scarcity trap. One hears people saying, “If we just had more whatever, we could do this.” You never hear Jesus say that. Whatever is present is enough, whether it be food or faith equivalent to a grain of mustard seed! Wherever Jesus is present there is always enough.
And so in places we’ve never heard of the Bible is studied; in places where perhaps only one or two people have a copy of the Bible, the faith is taught. The faith is taught where there are no colourful Sunday school materials and people are brought into the Body of Christ even though there is no building for worship. These things do not depend on resources because Jesus and the Gospel story are the only resources needed.
Notice in this account how the disciples respond quickly to what Jesus asks of them. They don’t quibble, whine, or walk away. The compassion of Christ is so intense that they can do nothing more than show it, and in doing what they are asked to do they discover, as one writer put it, “compassion beyond their wildest dreams.”
This miracle happens continually in the church. There is never enough, and yet the things that God asks us to do, to care for the marginalized, the poor, the despondent, these things are going on in a context of scarcity. In one East African country the church offers community development to towns that have no government or structure. Church people help the residents develop safe water and sanitation with hand dug wells, ventilated improved pit latrines, basic health teaching about washing and letting things dry in the air, and teaching oral rehydration techniques to mothers. These things do not cost much, nor are they beyond the reach of subsistence people who live off the land. Yet the quality of life improves, and frequently before long these people ask the church to come and teach the Gospel. This is a sustainable method of compassion and care, very much based on Jesus’ work. In contrast, there are international relief agencies that build complicated water systems which are constantly becoming contaminated and breaking down, clinics, which depend on paid staff and expensive equipment and complex administration, and require large donations to keep them going. This is a resource devouring method that usually results in increasing costs and less sustainable living.
Certainly the teaching for us is to rely less on resources and more on the compassion of Christ in our work. Size does not matter, whether it is budgets or buildings. The people of God are capable of giving the care God asks us to give. We can show the compassion of Christ without expending large amount of resources.
But there is another facet to this Galilean scene. It is obvious that this account contains Eucharistic images. Jesus takes the bread, blesses it and breaks it, and it is the bread that is distributed to the people. This orderly event, making the people sit down, reverently offering and praying over the food, and then breaking and distributing it, is another contrast with Herod’s bacchanal. Which gathering would have fed your soul? And in your own fear about whether you have enough, where would you most likely feel honoured and cared for? In Herod’s house, or on the shore of a lake seated on the ground?
Everyone on the lakeshore that day had something in common: they were in a precarious position. Many were sick with the horrible diseases of the time. There were always threats of rebellion and violence, even in the relative calm of Galilee. Jesus and his disciples were always in need of a place to stay, and were wary of the reality that they too might be arrested and put in prison, accused of stirring things up.
There are so many like them today. We always think of the Third World when we think of precarious existence, but we need not go that far. There are many people today with jobs who would be desperate within a few weeks if they lost those jobs.
These are the people for whom this Gospel and its Eucharistic image have much meaning. All of us should be aware of the fragile nature of our lives, and our need to rely on the compassionate Christ. All of us should come to the Eucharistic meal with a reverence for how something as simple as a bit of bread and a small sip from the cup can renew us for mission. Each of us can place ourselves in the crowd by the lake that day, watching, hearing Jesus’ words, receiving his healing touch, learning that God loves us very much. We can all find ways to celebrate that with minimal resources, maximum joy, and a compassion for others.
With Jesus there is enough; enough to eat and drink, enough to heal and care for, and enough to teach others about him. This Gospel reading calls each of us to abandon our excuse of not having enough to do the work he gives us to do. The Good News is that whenever he asks us to do something in his name, all we need is provided. The gift of this story is that we are free in faith to follow him wherever he leads us, and we need not go to anymore of Herod’s parties. Amen.
Intercessions for Eighth Sunday after Trinity Year A– 2nd August 2020
Everlasting God, may the worship of your Church throughout the world be attentive and expectant, ready to be set on fire again and again with the outrageous foolishness of loving, without exceptions and without limits.
(Short Silence)
Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer
Creator God, may all that encourages the people of the world in goodness, honesty and compassion be blessed and grow; may all that encourages self-seeking and cruelty, prejudice and deceit wither and be exposed as unsatisfying as it is. May we learn from one another’s cultures and respect one another’s differences.
(Short Silence)
Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer
Father God, we thank you for the joy of human love, and for all those among whom we live and work. We pray particularly for loved ones who worry us with their health, or circumstances, or life direction. We pray for those among our friends and families who do not know you, or whose faith has been shaken.
(Short Silence)
Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer
Loving God, we pray for all whose backgrounds make belief in a loving God either laughable or terrifying.
We pray for all who suffer mental or emotional anguish and those who despair. We pray for those facing another day of pain, another day of hunger, another day of fear especially of the ongoing Pandemic.
(Short Silence)
Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer
Merciful God, gather into your eternal kingdom all who have come to the end of this earthly life and rejoice to see you as you really are. We remember all whom we love but can no longer see, and thank you for your love and faithfulness to us.
(Short Silence)
Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer
Gracious God, we remember with gratitude all who gave up so much to bring the good news to us, and pray that with us it may continue to be spread until the whole earth knows of your truth and your love.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
The anthem for Sunday is:
Edward Bairstow – Let all mortal flesh keep silence
The hymn for Sunday is:
NEH 148 – The God of Abraham Praise
Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands that have taken holy things; may the ears which have heard your word be deaf to clamour and dispute; may the tongues which have sung your praise be free from deceit; may the eyes which have seen the tokens of your love shine with the light of hope; and may the bodies which have been fed with your body be refreshed with the fullness of your life; glory to you for ever. Amen.