The 2nd Sunday of Epiphany

We welcome you to this service, The 2nd Sunday of Epiphany, which is led by Rev Jake DeJonge. With readings, prayers from our Intercessions team and an anthem and hymn.


Opening Prayer

Almighty God,
in Christ you make all things new:
transform the poverty of our nature by the riches of your grace,
and in the renewal of our lives
make known your heavenly glory;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.  



1 Samuel 3: 1-10
Revelation 5: 1-10
John 1: 43-end



Short Reflection, Epiphany 2 , St. John 1, 43-51.

Dear Haarlem parishioners,

On this Sunday of Philip and Nathanael we are challenged about the necessity of building up a team. Do read the gospel for today, John 1, 43-51, before you carry on.

Forming a team is a very common thing to do and dates back centuries. Important teachers and philosophers, like Socrates end Plato, the famous Greeks, had their ‘school’; John the Baptist had his disciples, so the gospels tell us, the Pharisees had their pupils; St. Paul, e.g. sat at the feet of Gamaliel, as the book of Acts tells us.

And so we read in today’s gospel that also Jesus, at the start of his ministry, is calling followers to be part of his team that is to continue the movement that Jesus is starting.

There is a fascinating apocryphal story about what happened when Jesus, after his death and resurrection, returned to heaven to be with God the Father. There was great joy and much jubilation, naturally, when Jesus was welcomed back home as the great hero, the great conqueror of death and hell.

And then, after a while, one of the archangels says to Jesus: ‘And how have you organised matters on earth for the progress of the kingdom of heaven that you brought to them.’
‘Oh’, Jesus answered, ‘I have my twelve apostles, eleven actually, one of them dropped out; but, yes, I have put it in the hands of the apostles and their followers. I will still give them the holy Spirit, of course, to help them to stay on the right track. Yes, that is how I have organised matters.’

The archangel, and many heavenly beings with him, throw their winged hands in the heavenly air and say with one voice: ‘No, not really! Not that lot!’

The first archangel speaks up again: ‘But surely, you do have another arrangement, a contingency plan, in case of unforeseen circumstances, or of possible signs of incompetence with people like Peter and Thomas and….’
‘Oh no’, says Jesus, ’this is the only arrangement I have made.’

Clearly, the aim of this story is to emphasize the importance of the team Jesus leaves on earth, the importance of the church on earth, and the great responsibility given, also to us.

It looks very risky to arrange matters of heaven and earth in this way. But then, the God we worship is not afraid to take risks. The pattern is forming a team; and that is a pattern the Lord God has been using all along. From Abraham and Sarah on for example.

And in conclusion, as a challenge to us, a paraphrase of the gospel: ‘Can anything good come out of ”Haarlem Anglican”’? Philip said to to him, ‘Come and see.’


Rev. Jake DeJonge.

Prayers and Intercessions

Gracious Heavenly Father, our readings for today turn our focus towards revelation and call. As with Samuel, through our inner senses and perceptions, as well as through the words of those around us, teach us to listen and become aware of your calling. The Magi responded to the urge to follow the star and were rewarded by the revelation of your Son, our Lord Jesus. Grant that we also may constantly seek your will for us, and as it becomes revealed, like Philip and Nathaniel, faithfully respond.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.

In these darker days of winter, we remain beset and anxious by the ravages of Covid-19. Lord, from the suffering, disruption, and bereavement caused by the ongoing pandemic we pray to you urgently for deliverance.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.

Under lockdown, as we are given more opportunity to reflect, we become aware of how much the cares, and ambitions of ‘normal’ life have come to control us. This has often brought forgetfulness of moral priorities and service to our fellow human beings. We sincerely ask for your forgiveness, and we give you thanks for the enhancement of family, personal, and community relationships stimulated by enforced remote communication. Help us to develop this reorientation so that it may lead to greater awareness of the needs of others, as well as new life priorities, when ‘normality’ returns.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.

Lord, much of our safety, and the pathway out of our present distress will be determined by the application of governmental policies based on underpinning scientific and medical advice. Give to those who devise these rules, we pray, sound wisdom and judgement. May their watchful deliberations and the example of our sovereign heads of state, inspire us to follow their guidance, for the benefit of all our peoples.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.

Father, we lift up before you for your blessing, the leadership of our bishops, Robert, David, and Dirk, as well as the service of our visiting priests. We give thanks for their guidance. Grant that they may continue to lead and inspire in matters spiritual and temporal, towards the spread of the gospel and service in our surrounding communities.
Help us, we pray, in our actions towards the appointment of a new chaplain and grant us the blessing of finding an appropriate candidate.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.

In our present intercession, as well as in our private prayers, help us to remember our debt to all our health services. We thank you for their stamina and endurance, in physically and emotionally exhausting circumstances. Grant them, we pray, the strength to persevere and with that strength an assurance of our unending gratitude.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.

Gracious Lord, look upon our congregation members, their families, and communities. Where there is illness or distress, we beg you to bring comfort and healing. Grant to the sick a sense of your presence with them and help those who minister to them to inspire trust and hope in you.
Take into your everlasting keeping those who have passed from our material world. Today, we commend to you the soul of David, who died recently. We also pray for comfort for his bereaved family and friends.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.

As we conclude our communal intercessions this week, in our private prayers help us to remember victims of ongoing conflicts and disasters in our world. With our prayers for peace, grant that the many individual prayers offered to you may also inspire action towards victim relief, resettlement of refugees, and the prevention of famine.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers which we offer in the name of your Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Anthem and Hymn

The anthem: O for a closer walk with God – Charles V. Stanford

The hymn is: NEH 495 – God is working his purpose out


The Blessing

The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always.