The 3rd Sunday of Epiphany
We welcome you to this written service. Today is the Third Sunday of Epiphany – it is a beautiful winter day and the sun is shining as you’ll see from the photos accompanying this service.
Today we are led by Rev Robert Frede and we have prayers from our intercessions team as well as a carefully selected anthem and hymn.
Opening Prayer
Almighty God,
whose Son revealed in signs and miracles
the wonder of your saving presence:
renew your people with your heavenly grace,
and in all our weakness
sustain us by your mighty power;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Genesis 14: 17-20
Revelation 19: 6-10
John 2: 1-11
The Sermon
This Sermon is based on the liturgy for today in the Episcopal Church which you can read by clicking here.
The collect for this Sunday in the Episcopal Church begins
“Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our Saviour Jesus Christ and proclaim to all people the Good News of his salvation.”
And an old hymn in sings:
“They cast their nets in Galilee, just off the hills of brown
such happy, simple fisher folk before the Lord came down.”
Here we are in early winter, less than a month after Christmas, and we are almost propelled into addressing the call of Christ in our lives. This call comes to many of us more than once; the call is continuous. It was with the disciples as well. Every incident, healing miracle, public teaching, or encounter called them further into proclamation of the Good News. We are never fully there because the character of the call is a journey.
A woman who grew up in her hometown church remembers going forward to the altar as a young teenager to make her public decision for Christ. She said she believed at the time that was it: her life would be different and better. But she said she did not realize how often she would have to re-make that decision to follow Jesus in light of things that happened to her. An accident killed both her parents when she was a young mother; later her eldest son was diagnosed with cancer, from which he recovered; and then she endured the eventual breakup of her marriage. She said each of these events were moments when she knew to answer the call of Christ would lead to a new place. Now she knows there were many more times, joyous as well as sad, when grace was given to her to respond.
There is a form of scripture reading based on the Benedictine style of lectio divina, which is Latin for “divine reading.” The reader is asked to read a passage three times: first to note what word or phrase stands out in the reading; then to interpret what the scripture, or God is saying; and finally to answer the question, What is God or Jesus calling you to do? People who use this method for reading scripture find it becomes an active part of their spiritual lives. The living word of God calls to them, beckons them, has them consider something new and challenging. This call is more than a nudge; often it leads to profound change.
A man who regularly participated in lectio divina was studying to be an accountant. His study group met on Sunday evenings at an ecumenical campus ministry. There were a lot of things happening in his life, all of them unfolding with new career possibilities when he began to realize he was, in fact, being called to work with young children. Now he is a volunteer working with a group of court-appointed special advocates for children who have been placed under court supervision. He is also considering going to seminary.
Answering the call of Jesus Christ is based on listening and being ready to respond. Listening is an art in itself. It requires us to do more than just hear things that sound good to us. Listening requires us to filter out all the noise, listening for the still, small voice of God that usually comes to us quietly, often through odd connections with people, sometimes strangers, who see something unique in us and call it forth.
Being ready to respond is quite another thing.
Many years ago when I was in Washington DC in this time of year I saw a musical in an Episcopal Church performed, “Amahl and the Night Visitors,” which was composed by Gian Carlo Menotti. In this story, Amahl is a young boy who must use a crutch to walk, and he has a bad habit of telling fibs. One night as he is sitting outside, his mother calls for him to come inside, and when he tells her that he sees an enormous star “as big as a window” over their house, she does not believe him. Later that night there is a knock at their door, and three kings, the Magi, stand before them, asking if they could rest overnight in the house, explaining that they are on a long journey to give gifts to a wondrous child. After the kings fall asleep, Amahl’s mother, who is worried that her son will become a beggar, tries to steal gold from one of the kings. When she is caught, Amahl tries to attack the king’s guard who is holding her. The king is filled with mercy when he sees Amahl’s pitiful defence of his mother, and the king tells her to keep the gold, explaining that the Holy Child, for whom the gold was intended, will not need it, because his kingdom will not be built on earthly wealth. Amahl’s mother, filled with shame and remorse, begs the kings to take back the gold, and wishes she had a gift to send the Holy Child. Amahl gives the kings his crutch, his only possession, to give to the child. And miraculously, Amahl’s leg is healed, and he sets off with the kings to see the child and give thanks.
In this marvellous tale, both music and story work together as we witness an intervention by God into the life of a poor family, an intervention that results in profound change. The call of Christ can be seen as an intervention because that is what it is. “Follow me and you will fish for people,” says Jesus to the disciples.
The call is not always a loud command; it is often a quiet suggestion, but it is always an intervention that challenges us to change direction, move to a new way of thought and life.
If we follow the words of today’s collect, we see that the purpose in responding to the call is not just to better ourselves, but to receive grace to proclaim the Good News. No one has to wear a priestly collar to do that. The places we live, the families and friends we love, the workstations where we spend eight hours a day are all places for proclamation.
What Jesus calls us to do is proclaim, and he calls us to use the gifts we have to be proclaimers of God’s enduring love for each of us.
O God our Heavenly Father, in Whose hands are all the corners of the earth,
and Who alone can bring order out of chaos;
We pray You to look in mercy on our world,
a world still struggling with the ravages of Covid19,
a world constantly confronted by the consequences of climate change,
a world confronted everywhere by profound political and social instability,
a world where technology and social media are taking over peoples thinking and reasoning, and being used as destructive tools against You and Your laws,
a world that teaches that our own human wills are all-sufficient, that we have no need of You, and that Your laws are irrelevant;
Heavenly Father, we pray for our world, particularly remembering at this time the USA, that it may find the unity it dearly needs, through a common faith in You;
And we pray for ourselves, the Church, tossed about by the temptations and challenges of these present times, and give us, amid that turmoil, faith and quiet confidence in Your good providence that we may be aware of Your presence wherever we are and whatever we do;
Fill Your Ministers with Your Holy Spirit to discern what You would have them do in these confusing and uncertain times, that they may be renewed and energised in their witness for Your truth, waiting for the return of Your Son in power;
Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
We continue to pray for the millions living under oppressive regimes,
for those suffering from Covid19,
for all doctors and carers devoting and risking their lives for the well-being of others;
we pray for all the sick, the depressed, the bereaved, and those struggling with their faith;
we pray particularly for those of our own congregation, for those on our Chaplaincy Prayer List;
and for those for whom we personally wish to pray …..
Comfort, O God, all in distress, relieve them from their suffering if it be Your will,
and lift them up in Your everlasting arms;
Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
Heavenly Father, You have promised to provide light in the darkness for those who trust in You:
Grant us the humility to listen to Your Holy Spirit, and Your light to guide our footsteps that we may not stumble;
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of Your Son our Saviour
Anthem and Hymn
The anthem for Sunday is: O Sacrum convivium – Thomas Tallis
The hymns is: NEH 443 – Rejoice the Lord is King
The Lord’s Prayer
Let us pray with confidence as our Saviour has taught us.
All: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.
The Blessing
Christ the Sun of Righteousness shine upon you, scatter the darkness from before your path, and make you ready to meet him when he comes in glory; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always.
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
In the name of Christ. Amen.