Midweek Prayer and Reflection

Today we start a new set of midweek reflections, this time Derek Akker reflects on Philemon and we initially consider The bond of friendship

The Bond of Friendship

Philemon may be a short letter from Paul and worthy of being read in one sitting. Philemon was a wealthy Christian, a member of the church in Colossae (near Honaz in modern south west Turkey) whose home is used as a church. Tradition has it that Philemon was brough to faith after hearing Paul preach. While the letter is short it does have its challenges, especially regarding Onesimus (phonetic pronunciation of Onesimus ‘own-ESS-ee-mus’), which we will explore in the next reflection.

After the opening greeting Paul moves straight to the theme of love, the love of Philemon for the Church and love experienced by Paul from Philemon. While I am not suggesting that Paul was not being genuine, he did, however, have an ulterior motive. Again, more of this in the next reflection.

In the Greek of biblical times there were four main words used for love, there are more.

Eros – romantic love
Storge (store-jay) – family love
Philia – the powerful bond in deep friendships
Agape – a perfect, unconditional divine love

We can imagine that when Paul is using the word love he is using it to describe the powerful bond found in a deep Christian friendship, especially as Paul recognises Philemon’s faith.

In all loving relationships there can be moments when relationships can become strained for a whole variety of reasons. Healthy relationships are not static, they grow, adapt and respond to changing circumstances.

Christian love carries with it responsibilities and expectations which Paul was to call upon to push home his point; ‘For this reason, though I am bold enough in Christ to command you to do your duty, yet I would rather appeal to you on the basis of love.’ [v8-9a] However, I think Paul was getting close to crossing the bounds of friendship in his letter to Philemon. We should also remember that Paul was having to hold onto the relationship, distanced with the slowest of communications. It was far from easy for Paul and so we can forgive his pushy style of correspondence.

Now is a good time to pause and reflect on our friendships:
For Christians all friendships are Christian but not all friends are necessarily Christian. However, we can be enriched, challenged and grow because of this diversity within our friendships.

Now spend some time looking back at friendships, those friendships that time has separated you from but not the memories.

Think about those friendships that you have had that were broken. Don’t try to blame anyone for the break in the friendship, it happened, leave that memory there. What you can do is to remember what brought you together and the joy and the happy times of that friendship.

Now let you pray:

Lord thank you my friends and for all they bring to my life. Thank you for the laughter, the joy and encouragement and for all that builds me up.

Lord, help me to be a good friend to my friends, reliable and sensitive to their needs and please watch over those who I love and keep them safe.

The Lords Prayer – Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen.

‘Bind us together’ is a fitting song to bring this time prayer and reflection to an end.

Bind Us Together, Lord
Bind Us Together
With Cords That Cannot Be Broken
Bind Us Together, Lord
Bind Us Together
Bind Us Together In Love

There Is Only One God,
There Is Only One King
There Is Only One Body,
That Is Why We Sing.

Bind Us Together, Lord
Bind Us Together
With Cords That Cannot Be Broken
Bind Us Together, Lord
Bind Us Together
Bind Us Together In Love

Made For The Glory Of God,
Purchased By His Precious Son;
Born With The Right To Be Clean,
For Jesus The Victory Has Won.

Bind Us Together, Lord
Bind Us Together
With Cords That Cannot Be Broken
Bind Us Together, Lord
Bind Us Together
Bind Us Together In Love

You Are The Family Of God,
You Are The Promise Divine;
You Are God’s Chosen Desire,
You Are The Glorious New Wine.

Bind Us Together, Lord
Bind Us Together
With Cords That Cannot Be Broken
Bind Us Together, Lord
Bind Us Together
Bind Us Together In Love [2]

Bless our friends with health,
wholeness, life, and love.