St Frances and St Clare of Assisi
In all probability, Clare would have heard of Francis and his conversion. There is an account that in her late teens she heard Francis preach at San Giorgio, Assisi. Francis impressed her. One of the brothers close to Francis, Rufino was cousin to Clare and he played a part in Clare and Francis meeting. This was 13th century Assisi, so such a meeting and subsequent meetings had to be arranged with care. Clare had a chaperone, and Francis had Brother Philip accompany him. We have no account of what took place at these clandestine meetings other than that Clare should endorse the life of penance.
We can date Clare making her commitment to Palm Sunday 1212, where she receives her Palm Cross from Bishop Guido, who knew Francis well. Thompson* suggests that perhaps Bishop Guido was aware of what was going on and Clare receiving the cross personally from the bishop was a signal that he approved. That evening, Clare left…
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