Advent and Christmas in Haarlem
Advent and Christmas are treasured moments in our church. Join us and share in the message of Christ’s birth!
Sunday 3rd December, 19.30 – Advent Sunday Carol Service, beginning with the church lit only by candlelight… a meaningful service of readings, hymns and carols starts the Advent season where we prepare for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Saturday 9th December, 20.15 – Christmas Carol Concert. A performance by our Choir and the Anglican Singers taking you on a musical journey through carols old and new. Enjoy mulled wine and seasonal treats after the concert.
Sunday 10th December, 14.30 – Children’s Christingle Family Service followed by our Advent Tea & Bring and Buy Sale. The Christingle, with its symbolic elements, offers a meaningful way for children to engage with the Christmas story. All are welcome to join us afterwards for our Advent Tea and visit the Bring and Buy sale for Christmas goods and festive presents.
Christmas Eve, Sunday 24th December, 18.00 – Christmas Eucharist – come together in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ with hymns and readings telling love, peace, hope, and the arrival of our Saviour.
Christmas Eve, Sunday 24th December, 20.00 – Service of Nine Lessons and Carols is a cherished tradition that beautifully captures the essence of the Advent season, inviting people to reflect on the significance of Christ’s birth through scripture and music. Between the readings, congregational carols and choral performances are sung, reflecting on the themes presented in each of the nine readings.