- ANBI Name(s):
Ecclesial identity: Anglican Church of St. Anna and St. Mary, Haarlem
KvK name: Anglican Church Haarlem
Fiscal name: Anglicaanse Kerk St Anna and St Mary
Informal name: The English Speaking Church (in) Haarlem - Constitutional position
Church in the Archdeaconry of North West Europe/Anglicaanse Kerk in Nederland. It is governed by the ecclesiastical law of the Church of England and constitution and rules of the Diocese in Europe - RSIN: 824152311
- KvK number: 83494243
- URL/website address:
- e-mail contact:
Secretary: Anni Kearney - Visiting address
Kinderhuissingel 74, 2013 AV Haarlem - Postal address
Pieter Kiesstraat 76, 2013 BK Haarlem - Church officers, including council:
One chair, two church wardens, one secretary, 3 further council members, one treasurer and one safeguarding officer. - Salaries policy
The church shall have such stipendiary clergy and other ministers as is agreed between the Bishop and the church council. Their stipends shall be determined in accordance with or on the basis of stipulations made by, on behalf or with the concurrence of the Bishop. Neither stipendiary or salaried staff, nor volunteer officers or council members, will receive any remuneration or other financial compensation, however named, in respect of their work in governing the church; and such activities shall not be deemed to establish any claim to tax exemption or tax-exempt payments. Exceptional expenses may be compensated financially only to the maximum nominal amount.
- Policy plan
The national policy plan is to be found at the website of the Archdeaconry The local policy is summarised here: Main policy is to proceed with the intensifying of the work of our Church, with the contribution of all, for creating a thriving Church community in which more and more people feel at home and feel supported in their religious life.
Where possible we contribute to joint activities within the Diocese of Europe of the Anglican Church.
Our financial situation is improving through careful attention. Costs are kept as low as possible. This means that, although the Chaplaincy may have paid staff and other workers, and may also compensate volunteer workers for their activities to the maximum allowable annual amount, we do not expect any other payment of fees or the like except for visiting clergy and organist. - Objectives
The Anglican Church Haarlem offers a place of worship for the English-speaking community in and around the Haarlem area and visitors from home and abroad to meditate, pray and worship, privately and together. We support people in their understanding and approach to life and faith. We are called to sharing the joy of God’s unconditional love in faith and action. We commit ourselves to contributing to a world where love, reconciliation, tolerance, equality and peace can prevail. We are an open, welcoming church, which exists for the community as a whole and where everyone is valued and respected. Charitable activities also include work among asylum seekers, contributions to the local food bank, and support to various other charitable and relief funds, mainly abroad. - Activities report
Our AGM presented an opportunity for the church council and our church members to look back over 2023, our second year with a Chaplain. It was a year with some growth and we welcomed new members to the congregation. Social and study groups continued including our Children’s Church which in June 2024 will have been running for two years. Our Lent and Advent courses have continued online, a formula which has proven to attract more people. Our Compline services continue once a month. We are now proudly registered as an Eco Church.
- Statement of income & expenses
A summary of the financial report of income & expenses for the year 2023 is as follows. More detailed information is available on request
Income 2023
Income from donations €58.488
Total Income €58.488
Expenditure 2023
Running costs €50.350
External giving €1.050
Total Expenditure €51.400
- 2023 Budget
A summary of the budget for the year 2023 is as follows. More detailed information is available on request
Budgeted Income 2023
Income from donations €50.750
Total Income €50.750
Budgeted Expenditure 2023
Running costs €50.350
External giving €1000
Total Expenditure €51.350