Anglican Church Haarlem attendance guidelines, October 2021 onwards
We are very happy that the rules are relaxing as our world becomes a safer place. We are still striving to keep everyone safe so please read below for the latest guidelines on attending church:
- We still advise you to keep some distance from your fellow church goers. Avoid handshakes, hugging, kissing etc
- Church members are advised to disinfect their hands before entering. A sanitiser is available at the entrance of the church building.
- Rest assured, the church will be cleaned regularly and seats, chair lifts etc will be wiped down.
The Church Service
- Registration is no longer needed (although it is recommended for Harvest Festival and other key dates)
- Seating, a choice: you no longer need to be seated and we don’t need to register your seat number. When you sit you have a choice – sit on the left if you wish to be socially distanced (seating will be arranged following the 1.5 metre rule). If you wish to sit with fellow worshippers, please sit on the right.
- Printed service sheets and hymns will be available. Church books and hymn books will not be used. Please take the service sheet home with you.
- The Peace will be shared by a nod of the head towards each other.
- The Collection will preferably take place by putting money in the plate at the back of the church or via online banking.
- The Communion Rail will not be used: communicants should approach the rail in a single line and remain standing.
- After service tea is now allowed. Enjoy!