Rumours of Angels and the Music of Christmas Angels
It all started as an idea of creating a Christmas decoration that was more than the Christmas
Tree in the corner and the offer of some free very old and dusty hymn books. Well! there was more
to it than that but it’s as good place to start this angelic story. Lynne had seen a design and
instructions of how to make angels, and she shared her idea and enthusiasm the result was a
host of angels came into being through a group activity of fun, laughter but with a purpose of
creating a focus for our celebration of Christmas. It would be a way and a way of sharing our story
with others. It is a reminder that there are many ways to share our faith stories…
Who are angels and what are their tasks?
To read on click here…001 Rumours Of Angels – Reflection pr
It seems appropriate that a man with a developing love of poverty should find himself in a ruin of a church. He understood his call was to rebuild the church, which given the state of the building was a reasonable assumption to make. Francis was to recognise that rebuilding the Church was the whole Church not just a church building.
Francis’ rebuilding of San Damiano, Assisi, was early in his conversion and led to him effectively stealing from his father and selling materials to fund the restoration. Francis appeared before the Bishop of Assisi and Francis was to repay the money, renounce his inheritance and strip off his clothes. The bishop intervened and covered Francis with his cloak. Francis was to sever all contact with his father. This was a turning point for Francis and in his conversion..
Click here to continue reading 06 St Francis and places of prayer and celebration pr – 03-08-24
This series of reflections focuses on some of the events and characteristics of Francis, the Poverello,(“Poor Little Man”), the Holy Fool and the Troubadour of God. Three phrases associated with Francis
Whilst the reflections contain biographical material, they are intended to be devotional and not a biography of St Francis. I give details, later, of two books written in different styles.
Click here to continue reading 01 Saint Francis of Assisi – The Beginning – pr 29-06-24
Sheffield Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
008 Sheffield Cathedral pr – 20-01-24 There has been a Christian connection with this site for over 1000 years, although it was only granted Cathedral status in 1914. Over these years, there has been an unbroken witness to our faith through worship, prayer, and witness.
To continue reading this reflection, follow the link:
008 Sheffield Cathedral pr – 20-01-24
Its Cathedrals and Pro–Cathedral, Leeds Minster.
A diocese with three cathedrals, Bradford and Wakefield, Ripon, and a Pro-Cathedral, Leeds Minster
The Diocese of Leeds was created on 20th April 2014. This followed a review, which started in 2009, by the Dioceses Commission. It will come as no surprise that this process was not without much debate and a daresay much heart ache. The scheme went to a vote within the dioceses involved Bradford and Ripon and Leeds diocesan synod voted in favour to the scheme, Wakefield did not. The scheme did not need of three dioceses to vote in favour. The proposal was approved by General Synod in July 2013 and in April 2014 the largest diocese, by area, in the Church of England was created, it is almost 2500 square miles (about 6500 km) with a population of over 2.3 million people, with over 650 churches.
For on the background to these proposal type into your search engine Anglican Diocese of Leeds Wikipedia has an interesting entry. It is important to type in the word Anglican as there is a Roman Catholic Diocese of Leeds.
The architectural heritage within the Anglican Diocese of Leeds offers a rich variety of architectural styles reflecting time, the consequences of change and the preferences of the architects, Deans and Bishops.
My companion as I explore our cathedrals has been England’s Cathedrals (2016) by Sir Simon Jenkins. It is clearly my go to text, and I have quoted him on numerous occasions, and I am sure that some for the phrases I have used bare more than a slight resemblance to his but without reference to him for that I apologise.
The common feature of churches, minsters, and cathedrals the people for without them become the buildings as beautiful as they are are empty shells.
Visit the Cathedral and Minster web pages for more news about what goes on in the cathedrals and minster. Below are the web page links along with a few additional photographs.
BRADFORD Cathedral
Of Bradford cathedral Simon Jenkins writes, ‘Bradford cathedral is compact. The solid Tudor tower of 1508 is like a stout wedge driven into the ground to stop the building sliding downhill. The porch is big enough for a village wedding’. (Page 17)
Wakefield Cathedral – Christ. Culture. Community.
Speaking of modernisations Simon Jenkins speaks warmly of the ‘handsome Early Gothic arcades … and a friendly wooden roof. … The more recent renovation was extensive and successful, rendering the nave light and warm.’ He was less flattering regarding the door at the West end of the cathedral describing it as ‘jarring’ and ‘reminiscent of an airport security zone.’ (page 261)
RIPON Cathedral
Ripon Cathedral Celebrating Over 1350 Years of History
Crypt at Ripon Cathedral
Ripon cathedral evolved from a basilica church, that is a large public building with multiple uses. It was built by St Wilfred in AD 672. All that survives today is the stone crypt, the oldest structure of any English cathedral.
The site as we know it today was constructed in the time of Roger de Pont l’Évêque, Archbishop of York 1154-81.
LEEDS Minster
While the current Gothic Revival building was only completed in 1841, the Minster sits on the site of the oldest church in the city. The Minster was built as the Leeds Parish Church of St Peter. In 2012 it was given the title Minster to mark the late Queen Elizabeths Diamiond Jubilee. Its formal title is Minster and Parish Church of St Peter at Leeds. It is also a Pro-Cathedral, a pro-cathedral is a church named by a diocesan bishop which will serve as a cathedral without having the permanent status of cathedral.
Time of Reflective Prayer
A time to Pause and Reflect
Slow down, breath calmly,
Slowly breathing in and out and relax.
Lay on one side those things that unsettle your senses
and rest in the presence of God.
Please prayer for cathedrals and pro cathedral in the Anglican Diocese of Leeds
Loving God, draw us on the journey
to the places of holiness, the places of peace,
the places of encounter, the places of beauty,
the places where faith has been lived, your love made known,
your hope held out in the past, for the present, into your future. Amen
We join in with the Chet Valley Churches for I the Lord of sea and sky
Collect for the second week of Epiphany
Eternal Lord, our beginning and our end:
bring us with the whole creation to your
glory, hidden through past ages and made known
in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Words from Psalm 139 (1-5)
O Lord, you have searched me out and known me;
• you know my sitting down and my rising up; you discern my thoughts from afar.
You mark out my journeys and my resting place
• and are acquainted with all my ways.
For there is not a word on my tongue,
• but you, O Lord, know it altogether.
You encompass me behind and before
• and lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
• so high that I cannot attain it.
Pause and reflection on the words from the Psalm 139, slowly read them again.
In our prayers we welcome those who are searching for faith.
Let us draw into our circle of prayer our:
Family and Friends
Local church and its leaders
wider community
widening our circle to include:
those in government and positions of authority
those who are oppressed, those who are hungry and homeless
those who are ill, those facing death
Merciful Father, accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
When asked about how to pray Jesus gave these simple but profound words, so let them be our prayer:
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil. Amen
Closing Prayer
Adapted from Bury Mission Community Prayer (Diocese of Manchester)
Loving God,
Jesus called his disciples to seek your kingdom and follow him.
You summon us to share work of our Pilgrim Community
Open our hearts to hear his invitation to be his disciples in this generation.
Grant us courage.
Strengthen us by your Holy Spirit.
Give us compassion, wisdom and resilience.
Pour on us your endless grace that we may flourish, and our parishes grow in faith and love, service and compassion,
Through Christ our Lord. Amen
+ In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Enjoy these moments! God bless.
John Rutters Deep Peace by Libera
Fr. Derek Akker
(Derek is a retired Anglican Parish Priest and a member of the congregations of All Saints & St James. Prior to his ordination he was accredited as a Methodist Preacher in 1968 and served within the Methodist Church until returning to the Anglican Church in the mid 1980’s)
Parish of Kirklees Valley, Bury, (All Saints, Elton & St James, Woolfold) – In the Diocese of Manchester
Bradford Cathedral – Tim Green – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Wakefield Cathedral – Mtaylor848 – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
Ripon Cathedral – Christopher Hilton – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
Leeds Minster – Tim Green
Bradford Cathedral
Nave – Tim Green – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Stained glass – Mark Stevenson
Above Nave – Diliff – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Ripon Cathedral
Left Crypt – Martin Dawes Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
Leeds Minster, altar.
Altar – Alarichall – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
Nave – Michael D Beckwith Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Helgi Halldórsson from Reykjavík, Iceland Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
Opening prayer from the Association of English Cathedrals
Collect -The Archbishops Council 2004
Advent and Christmas are treasured moments in our church. Join us and share in the message of Christ’s birth!
Sunday 3rd December, 19.30 – Advent Sunday Carol Service, beginning with the church lit only by a single candle… a meaningful service of readings, hymns and carols starts the Advent season where we prepare for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Saturday 9th December, 20.15 – Christmas Carol Concert. A performance by our Choir and the Anglican Singers taking you on a musical journey through carols old and new. Enjoy mulled wine and seasonal treats after the concert.
Sunday 10th December, 14.30 – Children’s Christingle Family Service followed by our Advent Tea & Bring and Buy Sale. The Christingle, with its symbolic elements, offers a meaningful way for children to engage with the Christmas story. All are welcome to join us afterwards for our Advent Tea and visit the Bring and Buy sale for Christmas goods and festive presents.
Christmas Eve, Sunday 24th December, 18.00 – Christmas Eucharist – come together in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ with hymns and readings telling love, peace, hope, and the arrival of our Saviour.
Christmas Eve, Sunday 24th December, 20.00 – Service of Nine Lessons and Carols is a cherished tradition that beautifully captures the essence of the Advent season, inviting people to reflect on the significance of Christ’s birth through scripture and music. Between the readings, congregational carols and choral performances are sung, reflecting on the themes presented in each of the nine readings.
The latest issue of our church magazine is now here for you to read and enjoy.
This is your day
and we shall praise you!
This is your day
and we shall declare your name!
This is your day,
and we shall worship
a risen Saviour and our King! Amen.
We welcome you to worship with us with this written service.
Keit Koti – Yesterday the Netherlands celebrated the legal abolition of slavery in the Netherlands with a ceremony in which King Willem spoke:
“On this day that we remember the Dutch history of slavery, I ask forgiveness for this crime against humanity,” he said.
The ceremony marked the 160th anniversary of the legal abolition of slavery in the Netherlands, including its former colonies in the Caribbean.
Let us pray:
God of freedom, God of beauty, God of truth, you help set the captives free. In the darker moments, when clouds gather and the heaviness seems overwhelming, remind us of your love, carrying the weight of so much in that cross, embracing the world with arms outstretched that we might know freedom from the chains which constrain us. Bring us to your light, Amen.
Opening Hymn NEH 636
The Collect
O God, the protector of all who trust in you, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy: increase and multiply upon us your mercy; that with you as our ruler and guide we may so pass through things temporal that we lose not our hold on things eternal; grant this, heavenly Father, for our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
The Readings
Genesis 22: 1-14
Romans 6: 12-end
Matthew 10: 40-end
The Psalm
The Anthem
Hymn NEH 626
The Intercessions
Closing Hymn NEH 626
Closing Prayers
The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always.
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
In the name of Christ. Amen.
Opening Call to Prayer from John Birch at
We welcome you to our written service this Second Sunday in Lent. Here you can find the readings for today, prayers and links to the anthem, psalm and hymns.
First we open our service with a prayer for peace in our world.
Almighty God, from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed: kindle, we pray, in the hearts of all, the true love of peace and guide with your pure and peaceable wisdom those who take counsel for the nations of the earth that in tranquillity your kingdom may go forward, till the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not let them be afraid. John 14.27
Hymn 338
The Collect
Almighty God, by the prayer and discipline of Lent may we enter into the mystery of Christ’s sufferings, and by following in his Way come to share in his glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Psalm
The Anthem
God so loved the world – John Stainer
The Readings
Genesis 12: 1-4a
Romans 4: 1-5, 13-17
John 3:1-17
Hymn 68
The Intercessions
Heavenly Father, we continue to pray for Your creation, with its many and great problems;
we pray for its worldly leaders, many struggling for power, without regard for human life or dignity; if it be Your will, turn their hearts to an understanding of Your love and the responsibilities they have for Your creation;
We pray You for those devoting their time, energies and lives to helping others;
and for all, individuals and families, struggling to maintain traditional human standards against the great temptations and dangers of modern society, automation and ease;
Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for Your Church world-wide in its various denominations, and particularly at this time for the Church of England, facing a profound rift within its leadership;
We pray for all Christian leaders, particularly for our Kings Charles and William Alexander, and for ourselves, as we struggle to understand what You would have us do:
help us to believe and trust in Your promises, waiting patiently in the world ‘with clean hands and a pure heart’.
Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for all in need or distress at this time,
for those suffering from the atrocities being perpetrated in so many areas of the world;
for those suffering directly or indirectly from the consequences of climate change;
for all sick and suffering; the mentally ill, the lonely, and the bereaved;
We pray particularly for our own congregation, for those on our Chaplaincy Prayer List,
and for those for whom we personally wish to pray …
Comfort, O God, all in distress, relieve them from their suffering if it be Your will,
and lift them up in Your everlasting arms;
Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
Pour out Your Spirit on all the baptised O God, fill us with trust in Your word, and the hope of our Lord’s return, and give us that peace of mind that passes all understanding.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of Your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen
Hymn 76
Take up thy cross, the Saviour said
Closing Prayers
Almighty God,
you have created the heavens and the earth
and made us in your own image:
teach us to discern your hand in all your works
and your likeness in all your children;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who with you and the Holy Spirit reigns supreme over all things,
now and for ever.
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
In the name of Christ. Amen.
The magazine for our community – written by our community. Enjoy this latest issue.