Prayers for today
Gracious Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for the wisdom and instruction contained in your Word. As we come before you today with our intercessions, we are reminded in our Old Testament reading that, as with Joseph’s brothers, we may not always be able to see the bigger picture, in our lives or within our world. Help us to trust in you when we can only see through the glass darkly.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
Lord, sometimes we feel besieged by the pressures of news from across the world. Driven by its current content, we pray urgently to you for the victims of disasters, both natural and man-made. Grant that communities and governments may respond with rescue and support measures compatible with the need. Grant also that, in the midst of devastation and suffering, caused by fire, flood, and wars, people may come together in love and service to each other, reflecting the example shown to us by your Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
We pray for the health of our planet. In times of constant change and the growing conviction of linked cause and effect, as responsible stewards, help us to understand what we must do and give us the courage and resolve to translate that understanding into action.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
In the light of such prayers, we ask you to guide our governments and the titular Heads of State, that they may rule wisely, administer justly, and guide us with their policies towards a more sustainable and equitable future.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
As we come to the start of a fresh academic year, we pray for the welfare and successful development of our young people. Social media and technology developments leave them open to more insistent and devious pressures than those experienced by earlier generations. We pray for their protection and the stimulation to grow and develop along wholesome pathways. Grant that in a more peaceful world they may subsequently become competent and caring adults, ready and willing to assume responsibility wherever the future may lead.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
For those who are entrusted with the leadership of our branch of your Church, our bishops and clergy, we ask for your inspiration and blessing. Help them with the interpretation and communication of doctrines as you would have them applied in current times. Grant that their service and pastoral care may stimulate us to be sound examples of service to others and active participants in our diverse communities.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
Together with our diocese, we pray for your blessing on the work and welfare of the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht and their Archbishop, Bernd. We give you thanks and praise for their hospitality and support of our Haarlem congregation over so many years. Grant that we may grow closely together in our faith and worship, so that we may become more successful and sharing partners in the spread of the gospel.
We give you thanks for the warmth and coherence of our St. Anna and St. Mary community, and for the beauty of the music created by our choir. We pray for an outpouring of your Holy Spirit that under the guidance of our Chaplain, Bruce, we may be empowered to reach out and welcome others to the hope and inspiration of the Gospel.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
Look with healing and comfort upon all our members, families and friends who are ill, or in any way afflicted by pain and distress. Stand by them in their times of need and grant that they may fully sense your presence with them. Many are named on our prayer list, which we lift up before you, but for those unknown to us we pray that you will remember them. (Today we especially bring before you ………..)
Take into your everlasting arms all who have departed from this earthly life in your faith, granting them peace at the last and eternal rest.
Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer
And now, in brief silent reflection, let us offer prayers of special gratitude, and share with our God any burdens of deep concern or anxiety we may have.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers that we offer, for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ