CC Squad – Children’s and Youth Group

Every fourth Sunday the CC Squad meets.  Our younger members of the congregation come together during the service with a simple aim: to learn through fun discussion, activities and happy engagement!

Our leaders, Anni and Simone,  are enthusiastic, experienced and bilingual. The group currently ranges from age 6 to 14 and the activities are differentiated. Feel free to contact them on
Here’s a taster from a recent meeting:
Things got a little technical in last month’s Children’s Church when we discussed the Trinity. We started by looking at the lovely church window with its three circles in one larger circle. We enjoyed inspired discussion – “How can God be three in one?” And we noted, even though there is just one of us, we are many things to many people – brother, sister, friend, student etc (some sticky post it notes helped to demonstrate this!) A game involving some cutlery provided a fun end to our session! Check out the photos  – how quickly can you do this?