
Your donations are most welcome to support the work of our church.

Please click here to donate

Or you can donate using our bank account number (IBAN) NL87 INGB 0000 5776 41

Please specify: General donation, Missions, LifeLine or other kind of payment.


As we are a registered charity (ANBI), tax deductions may be applicable.

Important notice

Under certain conditions periodic gifts (e.g. monthly, quarterly or annual giving by bank transfer) are wholly tax deductible without any of the restrictions that normally apply. The tax benefits are particularly advantageous for people with a high “Drempelinkomen” or those who wish to give more than 11% of their “Drempelinkomen”.

The conditions needed to qualify as a fully deductible periodic gift are:

  1. There must be periodic payments of equal amounts
  2. A written agreement can be found here or ask our treasurer. The RSIN number to be used is 824152311. Our fiscal name: Fiscal name: Anglicaanse Kerk St Anna and St Mary.
  3. The periodic payment must be made at least once per year.
  4. The obligation to make the payments must be for a period of 5 years or you can choose unspecified length of time (onbepaalde tijd).
  5. The 5 year period can be reduced in the event of the death of the donor or his/her fiscal partner.
  6. The periodic payments must be made to a qualifying institution. All churches complying with the ANBI regulations are such qualifying institutions. For more information on ANBI compliancy, local policies and financial indicators you may wish to click the following button:

ANBI Compliancy


Terms and conditions

By making a donation of any kind you declare your gift to be unconditional and irreversible. This means that it cannot be reclaimed at a later stage. These simple conditions apply in order to prevent misuse of our church accounts.