Letter from the Wardens regarding the reopening of church
Church services to be resumed in Haarlem
Dear members and friends of Haarlem Church,
After a long period without services we are now at last allowed to resume our Anglican Church services. Our Old Catholic friends had their first service on 7 June. We are aiming to have our first service after the lockdown on Sunday14 June, which also happens to be Music Sunday!
However, our services are subject to strict regulations under the 1.5 metres society rules: the ‘New Normal’. Restrictive, but at least it opens up the opportunity to come together again as a church, be it all at a distance!
Our bishops have issued guidelines for church services in the Diocese to which we have to adhere, plus the rules in the Netherlands. Our Old Catholic friends have set out the seating arrangements in the church and provided us with the rules for services in the church on the Kinderhuissingel.
There are certain requirements that we have to adhere to. Also we need to ask ourselves various questions and make our own decisions accordingly.
- It is my own decision to attend church services. Our chaplaincy is providing the opportunity to have church services again. The Old Catholics have provided routing and sanitation in the church building but the chaplaincy cannot give 100% guarantee that all will be well.
- I will only go to church if I am healthy and have no symptoms. In case of doubt, I will stay at home. This is not only for myself but also for fellow churchgoers.
- I will observe the correct distance to fellow churchgoers (1.5 metres = 2 arms-length)
- I accept that I can be corrected if I do not observe social distancing.
The Old Catholic Church Council and the verger have drawn up a plan (based on the measurements in church) which enables the people present to have a meaningful and safe church service. To avoid any confusion, the Haarlem Anglican Church Council has decided to follow the same plan.
Based on National, Old Catholic and Church of England regulations, to attend a church service, it is necessary to register. A seat will be allocated on arrival at the church. Seating next to each other is only permissible with members of the same household. The number of people allowed in the church at any one time is 30 max. The register will close at 8pm on the Friday before the coming Sunday. For our first church service this will be 12 June. Please register by visiting our website:
Members of the church without email will be contacted in writing or by telephone in order to register. Please be assured that we are following National Protocol and cannot and may not deviate from this protocol.
If you have any questions, please contact the Church Wardens: Martin van Bleek – phone: 023 542 21 33/email: martin.van.bleek@gmail.com or John Scott – phone: 023 524 66 41/email: jandm.scott@12move.nl
Until further notice, tea after the service is not allowed. Should the rules be changed, we will let you know before the service.
We are looking forward to 14 June and we hope that as time goes by, we will be able to welcome all our members and visitors again to our services. However, it is important that you all make your own decision with regard to attending the church services.
John Scott & Martin van Bleek, Wardens