Services in Church
1st Sunday, Choral Eucharist – with choir, hymns & Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Sung Eucharist – with hymns & Holy Communion
3rd Sunday Choral Eucharist – with choir, hymns & Holy Communion
4th Sunday Sung Eucharist and Children’s Church – with hymns & Holy Communion and a Children’s Group
5th Sunday Choral Evensong – with choir, no Holy Communion
Subject to change – always check the Homepage for the latest service information
We join in worship every Sunday at 2.30pm with a Eucharist service. If there is a fifth Sunday, we hold a traditional Evensong (including a sung psalm, the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, responses, an anthem and hymns.)
Children’s Church runs every fourth Sunday of the month. The group leaves during the first hymn for learning through discussion, games and crafts and returns to the main service in time for Holy Communion.
Choral services are held twice a month, enjoying traditional Anglican hymns supported by our robed choir. As well as lectionary readings there is a sung psalm and a sung Eucharist setting. Our choir also sings an anthem and the service ends with an organ voluntary.
Choral Evensongs are held if there is a fifth Sunday when our choir is supported by The Anglican Singers for a traditional Choral Evensong. Expect to hear a sung psalm, the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis as well as an anthem. Choral Evensong is very popular in The Netherland and we often find we have additional visitors for this service.
A Said Eucharist is held from time to time when we offer an intimate service based on prayer, stillness and quiet. It is valued for its longer moments of reflection and the opportunity to worship in an historic Anglican way.