Worship & Music
Music is a key part of our worship, it is an essential element to our shared faith, our Christian love of our community and church, our fellowship. We have a regular choir and from time to time we feature other live music in our services. If you sing and/or you are a musician, do make contact with us music@anglican-church-haarlem.nl and be part of our choral and musical worship.
The Choir: The Anglican Church Haarlem is committed to a strong liturgical tradition. We are known for the excellence of our choir led by Martin A. van Bleek, Director of Music. We offer two ‘cathedral style’ services a month, with a sung psalm, sung liturgy, hymns and anthem. For every fifth Sunday in the month, we offer a traditional Evensong service.
Live Music: Our services with live music are very popular, for example, flute, cello and organ before and after the service as well as a meditative pieces during communion. One member of the congregation writes: ‘please communicate heartfelt thanks to our musicians for their musical contribution to our service. It really made it extraordinary, setting and focusing the mood before the service and prolonging reflection time after the final blessing and charge.’
Important Services: Often the choir is joined by The Anglican Singers when large services such as Easter, Advent and Christmas call for a fuller sound. Services including our candle-lit Advent Carol Service, our Service of Nine Lessons and Carols and our Good Friday service can also be viewed online – see links below.
Special Music Services and Events: We participate in the RSCM Music Sunday, a service which celebrates and gives thanks for the role of music in the life of the church, and the way in which music can draw both the church and community together. We also participate in Kerkennacht, travel as a guest choir to churches such as Rheden and Arnhem and sing carols as part of the Christmas Event at Kasteel Middachten.
Links to Listen in:
Nine Lessons and Carols, December 2021
Flute and Organ, Bach Excerpts, September 2021: Click here to view
Good Friday Service, April 2nd 2021. Click here to view
Nine Lessons and Carols, December 2020
Flute and Organ, November 2020